with Mirja Nissen

€40 per session 
€70 per day (2 sessions)
€120 Full Wknd (4 sessions)


In this workshop, we will explore the main groups of ãsanas (standing postures, seated forward bends & twists, backwards extensions, supine postures, and inversions) and using the Iyengar method we will practice the key actions for healthy alignment. 

Both Saturday and Sunday are made up of both a morning session and an afternoon session. Each session builds on the last, though some can be taken on their own.


The Iyengar method is a most accessible style of yoga for any individual, regardless of your body or mind's abilities. The system of teaching is methodical and progressive, emphasising safety, alignment and the development of self-awareness. The lessons introduce the use of props to facilitate learning and accommodate safe appropriate poses.


To reserve your place a €50 deposit is required. Please get in touch for details.


About Mirja

Mirja is a certified Iyengar™ Yoga teacher. Yoga found Mirja on her first trip to India in 2002 and she began teaching in 2011. Mirja’s approach to teaching is truthful, creative & intelligent. A dedicated daily practice of āsana, meditation and chanting, and a deep trust in the power of the practices, enable her to teach from the heart. Mirja teaches with precision and lightness, dedication and humour, encouraging students to explore āsana as a way to increase awareness and understanding, and to find more space and freedom in the body & mind.
